Overview of Digital Factory Solutions by InHand Networks
Overview of Digital Factory Solutions by InHand Networks

Empowering businesses with competitive advantage

Embrace the power of AI, big data, and IoT to revolutionize your factory operations. Our digital solutions enable intelligent manufacturing and management. We aim to drive productivity, reduce costs, and foster innovation, help to improve product quality, meet personalized customer demands, and ensure production safety. With the power of digital technology, we work together to gain a significant competitive edge in the market.

 / Digital Factory

Background & Challenges

The Requirement for Integrated Technologies: Digital factories need effective integration and seamless coordination of IoT, AI, and cloud computing. This requires collaboration and investment of expertise, resources and manual labor.

Data Security and Privacy: Data-protecting is crucial for production processes optimizing and informed decision-making. To prevent from data attacking,  breaching and misusing, you need  strong, efficient data protection measures and strong privacy strategy for network security.

Infrastructure: Digital factories involve a lot of infrastructure, including networks, sensors, and computing devices. How to devise technical solutions and choose the right devices?

Data Collection and Analysis: With various device types using communication protocols and massive data, how to efficiently acquire, store and analyze data with cloud computing?

Interconnectivity: Complex wired network construction and high costs put high requirements on network reliability.

All those challenges point to the critical IoT technologies, which are exactly what we have been devoted to.

Background and Challenges of Digital Factory


Digital Factory Solution by InHand Networks
Digital Factory Solution by InHand Networks

InHand Networks offers a “cloud+edge” solution for digital factory. With support for multiple industrial protocols and powerful edge computing capabilities, the solution keeps  track everything in the factory, enables real-time view of machine status and remote management.


Device Interconnectivity

Connect production equipment to the production system through M2M devices, enabling information sharing and automation for efficient production processes.

Data Collection and Analysis

Real-time collection and monitoring of operational data for production equipment. The data is for facilitating process optimization, quality management, and maintenance to improve efficiency and product quality.

Real-time Production Scheduling

Synergize production equipment data with production plans to agile and efficient scheduling, reducing costs and enhancing flexibility.

Intelligent Logistics Management

Real-time monitoring and control of vehicle information, enabling efficient logistics operations and cost reduction.

Intelligent Quality Management

Real-time data collection and analysis for optimized quality management, improving product quality and competitiveness.


Customer Stories


Real-time visualization, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making for streamlined operations.


Equipped with powerful edge computing capabilities, the InGateway902 excellently relieves the pressure of massive data and enhances productivity.


The IR624 industrial router meets supports 5G, diverse industrial interfaces, robust security with dual SIM switching. It also includes real-time data and remote management via the DeviceLive platform.