DeviceLive IoT Management Cloud


IoT Device Management Platform

Designed for industrial IoT, the DeviceLive enables quick building of intelligent edge networks. It features four major capabilities: device management, remote monitoring, edge computing app management, and remote access to on-site machines. Collaborating with edge hardware, the DeviceLive helps you deploy and upgrade edge APPs, implement edge data collection and pre-processing, and enable status visual monitoring.

 / DeviceLive
InHand Edge Intelligence Solution - Architecture

Device management with high efficiency

Migrating your IoT infrastructure to the cloud, DeviceLive empowers IT personnel to monitor business anytime and anywhere.

  • Fast zero-touch deployment for plug-and-play devices, and remote configuration by IT personnel
  • Centralized control on thousands of distributed sites with an intuitive visual portal
DeviceLive enables IoT device management with high efficiency
DeviceLive enables unified monitor and remote control

Unified monitor and remote control

DeviceLive enables engineers to control distributed sites without physical site visits.

  • Batch operation for firmware upgrades and configuration updates, thousands of devices simultaneously managed in a few steps
  • Automated monitoring and alerts enhance agility

Manage your edge computing APP

You can use DeviceLive to develop and deploy IoT edge computing APPs without self-building OTA services.

  • Centralized configuration, container management, and edge computing APP upgrade for edge intelligent hardware
  • Set deployment policies uniformly to implement centralized upgrades and control of distributed sites
Manage Edge Computing Apps with DeviceLive
Remote Access to On-site Machines with DeviceLive

Remote access to on-site machines

DeviceLive helps engineers build a remote access tunnel for on-site machines, enabling maintenance, program upload and download, and business diagnosis.

  • Virtualized networking technology ensures no access conflict without fixed IP addresses
  • Easily build remote access tunnels without modifying local network architecture
  • Support connectivity of distributed machines like industrial computers, servers, cameras, PLCs, HMIs, and controllers over Ethernet

Harness the power of IoT devices and edge computing

With DeviceLive, you can gain centralized control to monitor, configure, and orchestrate your IoT devices and edge computing resources, all through a unified interface.

DeviceLive IoT Management Cloud
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