ER805-NRQ3-WLAN is Certified for Verizon C-Band Use

We are happy to announce that our 5G cloud-managed SD-WAN edge router – ER805 is now certified for use on Verizon’s 5G C-Band network! As a C-Band accredited device, ER805 ensures to deliver lightning-fast, scalable, reliable and secure network connectivity for mission-critical and business-critical scenarios.

C-Band is a worldwide spectrum sitting between the high and low bands called mid-band. All of these three bands are 5G’s key spectrum ranges. A negative correlation between speeds and the coverage was found in both high- and low-band ranges of the 5G spectrum, that is, low band provides maximum coverage but its speeds are lower than other bands, and vice versa. C-Band as a panacea finds a balance way of speeds and coverage, offering optimal coverage while maintaining speeds that are faster than low band.

El EdgeRouter800 (abbreviated as ER800) is a new series of cloud-managed SD-WAN edge routers specially made for branch networking in 5G era. Coupled with Gestor En la Nube SaaS service and global high-speed 5G network, it makes your network experience sweeter without bitterness.

Acerca de InHand Networks

InHand Networks es un proveedor líder de soluciones IoT fundado en 2001, dedicado a impulsar la transformación digital en todos los sectores y a capacitar a los clientes para que liberen todo su potencial y logren un crecimiento acelerado.

Estamos especializados en ofrecer soluciones de conectividad de calidad industrial para diversos sectores, como redes empresariales, IoT industrial y de edificios, energía digital, comercio inteligente y movilidad. Nuestra completa cartera de productos y servicios se adapta a diversas aplicaciones en todo el mundo, como la fabricación inteligente, la red eléctrica inteligente, el transporte inteligente, el comercio minorista inteligente, etc. Con una presencia mundial en más de 60 países, atendemos a clientes de China, Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido, Italia y otros países.