InHand Industrial Routers & Gateways for FirstNet® Connectivity
June 29, 2022 – We are proud to announce that InHand 5G devices – Edge router ER805-NRQ3 and vehicle gateway VG710-NRQ3 are now ready for use on FirstNet®, which means our InVehicleG710 Gateway and EdgeRouter805 can work with enhanced reliability, expanded coverage, and game changing 5G speeds. In this sense, we can provide our first responder customers with a network traffic prioritization and preemption services when needed anytime anywhere.
What is FirstNet? FirstNet is a cellular network communications system designed to deliver priority and pre-emptive communications for first responders and other organizations involved in critical infrastructure and public health and safety. It offers technology, features and functionality designed to properly handle the rigorous and unique demands for first responders without concerns about network congestion. And FirstNet Ready® means InHand devices have the access to a physically separate and dedicated FirstNet network core, which enables FirstNet First Priority capabilities — the always on priority in FirstNet Band 14 spectrum especially for first responders.
Das InVehicle G710 (abbreviated as VG710) can deliver a reliable wireless connectivity for mission critical applications requiring real-time communications, video and other data transfer need while in nomadic or mobile environments. And it is also rugged enough to deliver uninterrupted operations in a highly challenging environment—surviving exposure to frequent vibration and voltage/current change.
The EdgeRouter805 (abbreviated as ER805) is a new series of cloud-managed SD-WAN edge routers, which can provide wireless connectivity to fixed locations with critical network for not only first responders, but all important enterprises and services that are needed in an emergency, from wastewater management to security services. It delivers reliable, secure, high-speed Internet connection even with a centralized cloud management – InCloud Manager SaaS service.

FirstNet and FirstNet Ready are registered trademarks and service marks of the First Responder Network Authority, an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Über InHand Networks
InHand Networks wurde 2001 gegründet und ist ein führender Anbieter von IoT-Lösungen, der sich darauf spezialisiert hat, die digitale Transformation branchenübergreifend voranzutreiben und Kunden dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen und ein beschleunigtes Wachstum zu erzielen.
Wir haben uns auf die Bereitstellung von Konnektivitätslösungen in Industriequalität für verschiedene Sektoren spezialisiert, z. B. Unternehmensnetzwerke, IoT in Industrie und Gebäuden, digitale Energie, Smart Commerce und Mobilität. Unser umfassendes Produktportfolio und unsere Dienstleistungen eignen sich für verschiedene Anwendungen weltweit, darunter intelligente Fertigung, intelligentes Stromnetz, intelligenter Transport, intelligenter Einzelhandel usw. Mit einer globalen Präsenz in über 60 Ländern beliefern wir Kunden in China, den Vereinigten Staaten, Frankreich, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Italien und darüber hinaus.